Sarah Montgomery

I help Mompreneurs use organic marketing strategies to grow their online business so they can be have  the freedom to be present in the moment for their children.

Sarah Montgomery

I help mompreneurs use organic marketing strategies to grow their business so they will have the freedom to be present in the moment for their children.



Hi! Welcome to my page!

I'm Sarah, single mom of seven kids ranging in age from 25 down to 6.

I know there is a place for us mom's in the online world, and there is a way to fit being a business woman alongside being a mom, without sacrificing one for the other.

If you have the passion and drive to build an amazing business, you are in the right place!  It's time to go from being the hunter to being the hunted by attracting the right people to you through organic social media strategies. 

So welcome, pull up a chair, and stay awhile! Check out what my site has to offer. I am excited to be a part of your journey as you go from stuck to thriving!!

FINALLY!!! A Better Way To Recruit --Rejection Free-- Without Wasting Your Time & Money Chasing Dead End Prospects & Leads...


Sarah Montgomery

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Authentic Attraction Marketing

Join the fastest growing community of mompreneurs to learn

how to use authenticity to attract people to them.

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